Programme management
According MSP, a programme is 'A specific set of related projects identified by an organisation that together with a organisational change, will deliver a defined objective, or set of objectives, for the organisation. The objectives, or goals, of the programme are typically at a strategic level so that the organisation can achieve benefits and improvements in its business operation.'
I perform programme management, suited to fit your organisation, focused on your peope, by means of result driven team work. And most of all: by adding fun!
The basis for my work: MSP, Agile and steer by coaching. For previous experiences, please see the Project page.
Improvement Management
Usually, companies use the term Change, and Change Management. For me, that simply isn't enough. A change is not necessarily an improvement, and that's exactly what I aim for: an improvement fitting your organisation, based on your requirements.
For us the starting point is: Improvement is fun! Why? Because it will bring your company and your people a better way of working and results.
Improvement management we perform mostly in projects, as described on the Projects page.
The basis for my work: Team Coaching, coaching, change management and adoption.
Project management
'A temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case.' So far quoted from Prince2.
According to my standards, a project can only succeed when focused on result, your organisation, executed with pleasure and in close cooperation with your people.
I use Prince2, AgilePM and Agile as a basis for our projects. Want to learn more about previous experiences? Please check the Projects page.