from Sole Proprietorship to Limited Company


As many professionals, I started, 3.5 years ago, as a Sole Proprietoship. That legal construction gave me the chance to build some experience in being entrepeneur. I was executing some nice projects, and learned skills like accounting, and other things I needed to learn in order to run a company.

Cooperation, extension of work and financial wishes

Now the time has come for to start cooperations with other companies. And the risks coming with that, are hard to manage in the current legal construction, leading to me personally being financially accountable. That aside, currently I am developing  activities that don’t fit in the goals and plans of Soon there will be a coaching company named Simply Be, for example. And for the furter future, there are already more plans!

Also, I have some financial desires that are very expensive to achieve with the current construction, like a (reliable!) pension in some form, or a buffer for less fortunate times.

Time to go for a Limited Company!

Teaming up with an accountant, after having some chats with other entrepeneurs, will transform into a Ltd, enabling a better spread of risks, better managed personal accountability and a chance to start cooperations with a proper contractual basis. At the same time, this supports my financial desires, decreasing risks on the longer term too.

Are you also looking to be ‘future proof’ as a company? Make sure you know what you want, gat advice, dive in to obtain knowledge, and go talk to an accountant. Who knows where you might end up!

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